Vanessa atalanta (Linnaeus, 1758)
Vanessa atalanta (Linnaeus, 1758)


•SYNONYM: amircllis (Reitzius, 1783).

•RANGE. Europe, Siberia, Asia Minor, Central Asia, N. Africa, N. America, Bermudas, Hawaiis, New Zealand.

• DISTRIBUTION AND VARIATION. European part, Caucasus Major, W. Siberia, N. Tian-Shan, Dzhungarsky Alatau Mts., Altais, Sayan. Occasionally, because of its high migratory activity, this species can be found far away from these mostly montane territories. Variability little.

• HABITATS AND BIOLOGY. Butterflies of this species can be met nearly everywhere during additional feeding on blossoms. Secure development in the southern part of the range only, where flying from June to October, sometimes in two generations. As an active migrant, it can generate an additional generation in July to August in the northern regions of Europe and Siberia (until 60° N). Larvae living solitarily in a convolute leaf of Urtica dioica or Humulus lupulus (Korshunov & Gorbunov, 1995; Dantchenko & Nikolaevsky, in press).

Photo and text: Guide to the BUTTERFLIES OF RUSSIA and adjacent territories Volume 2. PENSOFT, Sofia - Moscow. 2000