Argynnis nerippe Felder et Felder, 1862
 Argynnis nerippe Felder et Felder, 1862

• TYPE LOCALITY. «Japonia» [Japan].

• SYNONYMS. chlorotis Fmhstorfer, 1907; megalothymus Fmhstorfer, 1907.

• RANGE. S. Ussuri region; China, Korea, Japan.

• DISTRIBUTION AND VARIATION. The Ussuri region is populated by the ssp. mumon Matsumura, 1929 (= acuta Matsumura, 1929). The following taxa are known from China: vorax Butler, 1871 (TL: Shanghai) and nerippina Fmhstorfer, 1907 (TL: Tibet (Ta-Ho), Szetchuan).

• HABITATS AND BIOLOGY. Eastern kinds of steppe/grassland. Flight period: July to August.

• SIMILAR SPECIES. Argynnis niobe: smaller, androconial scales on veins invisible. A. adippe: androconial scales on two or three veins of UPF present.


Photo and text: Guide to the BUTTERFLIES OF RUSSIA and adjacent territories Volume 2. PENSOFT, Sofia - Moscow. 2000